On my journey to becoming a therapist, I had the pleasure of working with a variety of professionals who became my mentors in the mental health field. In particular, I owe a great deal of gratitude to my clinical supervisor, who helped me refine my skills and develop my understanding of who I am as a therapist. I am excited to be able to offer the same guidance to new marriage and family therapists.
In supervision, I promote openness and trust within the supervisor-supervisee relationship. My ability to support your development as a clinician hinges on your ability to be honest about yourself and about your work with clients. Not only do I want to provide a safe environment for you to explore the challenges of becoming a marriage and family therapist, but I also want to be sure of your commitment to ethical practice. As a clinician and a supervisor, I emphasize mindfulness, emotional experience, and self-compassion within a systemic perspective. I will ask you to be thoughtful and authentic in your approach, utilizing both theory and relationship to offer healing to your clients. I welcome feedback, questions, and - most important - collaboration.
At this time, I am providing supervision online and over the phone, in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists. Please note, I am only licensed to supervise in Texas.